African Adventure

Memorias de África es un espectacular safari que te permitirá conocer los espacios salvajes más sorprendentes del continente. Para tal fin volaremos entre los países de Tanzania, Rwanda, Botswana y Zambia, lo que nos permitirá realizar uno de los viajes por el continente negro más completos que puedas llegar a imaginar.

En Tanzania exploraremos los parques nacionales emblemáticos del Norte de Tanzania: el Cráter del Ngorongoro y las llanuras sin fin del Parque Nacional del Serengeti. En éste último parque se produce uno de los eventos de la naturaleza más espectaculares del que podamos ser testigos: la Gran Migración.

En Rwanda nuestro objetivo será el de encontrarnos con los últimos Gorilas de Montaña que habitan las faldas de los volcanes Virunga. Aterrizaremos en la capital, Kigali, para alcanzar el Parque Nacional de los Volcanes, hogar de estos impresionantes primates y a los que podrás observar en estado salvaje y a unos 5 metros de distancia.

Tomaremos un vuelo al Sur del continente para alcanzar el Delta del Okavango. En avioneta aterrizaremos en una pista de tierra situada en una de las isletas que forman este maravilloso delta interior y en el que podremos observar la fauna que habita en uno de los últimos lugares salvajes del continente. Después nos adentraremos en la Reserva de Linyati, un auténtico santuario para las especies africanas y cuyo paisaje de transición nos permitirá observar una gran cantidad de animales.

Nuestro espectacular viaje finaliza aterrizando en Livingstone en Zambia donde nos alojaremos en un precioso campamento próximo al río Zambezi. Durante los días que pasemos aquí disfrutaremos de las maravillosas Cataratas Victoria, además de un recorrido en barco en el Zambezi donde si el clima lo permite podrás contemplar una de las puestas de Sol más bellas que puedas observar.

Sin duda un espectacular safari que harán de este viaje una experiencia inolvidable.

Raja Ampat


South Africa


With its roots in the swahilli word for journey, it’s quite probable that the modern safari originated in Kenya. Either way, the country remains one of the finest locations for wildlife spotting in all of Africa, with the Maasai Mara reserve at its center. Part of the Serengeti plains ecosystem, the reserve is home to diverse species, among them the big cats – lions, leopards and cheetahs –  and their mammalian counterparts (and sometimes prey) – elephants, water buffalo and rhinos.

The safari in the popular imagination owes a lot to films shot in Kenya, such as Mogambo or Out of Africa, and to travel to the region is to experience all the wonder of being in a movie.

With approximately 8% of the country under protection, Kenya provides a unique opportunity to spot several rare endangered species in one of the more than 66 reserves. Of all of these, the most renowned is the Maasai Mara Wildlife reserve, which you’ll explore in full during this experience.

The journey with Planeta Azul doesn’t end after the safari however, with the last few days of your holiday spent relaxing on the pristine beaches of the North Island of the Seychelles.


As one of the most protected marine reserves in the world, the diving offered in Sipadan is among the finest on Earth. Due to its delicate ecosystem, this  reef system in the indo-pacific limits the number of divers by day, making access even more difficult and exclusive. However thanks to Planeta Azul’s agreement with the best resort on the neighbouring island of Mabul you’ll be guaranteed at least one day of diving, in this incredible region.

The experience offered by Planeta Azul is a unique combination of urban and beachside exclusivity, starting in the stunning city of Kuala Lumpur before travelling to the best resort on the island of Mabul. From here you’ll explore the Mabul, Kapalai and Sipadan reefs, swimming alongside shoals of barracuda, shark and countless species of fish and turtle, while exploring the startling sub-aquatic beauty of the reef’s coral walls.

The Andaman sea

Scuba-diving in Thailand s an experience quite unlike anywhere else, thanks not only to its pristine underwater habitats, but also the rich architectural, social and gastronomic culture above ground.

The Andaman sea has some of the best diving around, and while Thailand has plenty of locations for year round diving, some protected areas such as the Similan Islands can only be visited during certain months of the year. Regardless of the season, the Andaman Sea offers unequalled diving opportunities, with the chance to see graceful manta rays and whale-sharks in the waters off this distinctive coastline dotted with islets, beaches and iconic rock formations.



Safaris in Africa

The final frontier

The northernmost state in the US, Alaska is nature at its most wild and purest form. In Denali National Park, with the imposing peaks of the Alaskan Range as a backdrop, you’ll explore the landscapes of tundra and taiga, as well as the diverse wildlife that thrives in this habitat.

From Denali, we’ll move south to the coastal town of Seward, the gateway to the waters of Kenai National Park. Taking to the waves by boat, you’ll see any number of the animals native to these waters, from sea otters, to porpoise, humpback whales and even orcas.

Standing in contrast to the biodiversity of the oceans and lowlands are the mountains with their prehistoric glaciers, which you’ll also have the chance to walk upon, thanks to a special activity organized by Planeta Azul.

Into the wild

Taking you into Alaska, the northernmost American state, Into the Wild experience will bring you to the national parks of Denali and Katmai. Here, amongst the fantastic landscapes of the Taiga and Tundra, you’ll be right alongside the native grizzly bears, as they fish for salmon in the waterfalls.

By helicopter, you’ll land right on top of one of the glaciers that form part of the Alaska Range , before exploring Denali National Park by foot and by car. Here, you’ll be in the perfect situation to spot bears, wolves, caribou, moose and wild, Dall sheep, in an impressive mountainous landscape on the slopes of the highest peak in North America – Mount Denali, previously known as Mount MackInley.

From here you’ll take a hydroplane to Katmai National Park, to see Grizzly Bears fishing for the salmon that return here to spawn every 5 years.